How To Join
All Souls.

Church membership is an important part of the life of Christian discipleship. We do not walk with Jesus alone, but we do it in community with others whom we are called to love, and through covenant membership, we commit ourselves to them as they commit themselves to us.

Because we have so many coming from different backgrounds, the following steps are meant to guide you through joining our community from wherever you are at. Many of these steps do not have to be done in order, and it may be that you have done some of these already, but these are the normal steps for joining our church. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask our priest.

Two Forms of Membership

At All Souls there are two forms of membership. Confirmed Membership is for those who are confirmed in the Anglican Church or who have had their confirmation received into this diocese. This is the normal form of membership at All Souls. Through the rite of confirmation, one is brought into the order of our Anglican Way by receiving the laying on of hands by our bishop. Each year in the early fall, we have a class for those who would like to be confirmed at the bishop’s visit in November.

Parish Membership is for those who are still learning about Anglicanism and are not yet sure if they feel called to be confirmed into the Anglican Church, but would like to make All Souls their local church home. Parish membership allows one to take part in every aspect of parish life locally except for serving on our Vestry or representing the parish at the diocesan or provincial levels.

  • Worship is at the heart of everything we do, and this is done first and foremost through the service of Holy Communion each Sunday. All people are welcome to join us in worship each Sunday or throughout the week, and while receiving communion is reserved for baptized Christians (of any denomination), anyone can participate with us through the rest of liturgy.

  • Twice per year, we offer a newcomers lunch where Fr. Josh will give an overview of what we are doing at All Souls and explain our structure, beliefs and practices. This is a great place to ask any questions you have and meet other people who are new to our church like you.

    If you are unable to attend a newcomers lunch, you may also request a meeting with Fr. Josh to discuss the same material.

  • Baptism
    The first step to membership in the church of Jesus Christ is the sacrament of baptism. If you have already been baptized by water in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, it does not need to be done again. If you have not been baptized, this can be discussed with our priest.

    Parish Membership Covenant
    If you have been baptized and would like to join our local parish as a voting Parish Member, you will need to sign a membership covenant. This can be found online below, and any questions you have about the covenant can be directed to Fr. Josh.

    Parish Membership Covenant

    Beyond joining our local parish, you may also choose to go through the rite of Confirmation to have your faith publicly recognized by our bishop as a formal reception into the Anglican Church. This is not required for parish membership, but it is required for Confirmed Membership and for serving on the Vestry or any other roles within the diocese.

    If you have already been confirmed in some other Christian tradition, you may have your confirmation received into our diocese when others are confirmed.

    Each year, in the early fall, we offer a confirmation class for those who would like to learn more.

  • Groups and Teams are how we organize our common life at All Souls. You do not have to be a member to be part of a group or a team, but if you are a member, these are how you can participate fully in the life of our parish family.

    Join a Group
    Groups are how we share a life of discipleship together. They are organic communities that help us to grow in our love of God and each other and range in character from structured classes to informal dinner parties. Different groups are offered at different times according to our capacity and needs. You can learn more about our current groups through the Church Center app.

    Find Your Group

    Join a Team

    Teams are how we serve together in the body of Christ. Each team has a specific set of ministry tasks that contribute to the common good of our church. Teams can be joined by filling out a team interest form, which will allow our parish administrator to connect you with the right team leaders.

    Find Your Team

  • Our church is dependant on the generous giving of its members, and giving is expected of all members. These gifts help us continue our life as a parish, and they provide a way for disciples of Jesus to participate in the life of our generous God. You can learn more about how to give to All Souls here.